Parasite Protocol

Parasite Protocol

*Check with your healthcare provider before starting any herbal treatments as some synthetic drugs may counter act with some holistic herbs*


I am so happy you took the leap to a better, healthier, you. Below read about the cleanse, the importance, and I have even provided a step guide to follow over these next few days. It will be challenging at times, but overall it will be worth it I promise. 

>>>Full protocol to follow at the end<<<<

A significant number of people in the U.S. have experienced parasite infestation. Though some relatively harmless parasites commonly inhabit the human body, too many and/or the wrong kind can cause health problem involving many of your body’s organs and systems: brain, nerves, skin, stomach/intestines, kidneys, liver, circulatory, respiratory, etc. The damage caused by these parasites can weaken your immune system.



  • The average person has up to 30 different types of parasites living in their body.
  • Once there, they can lay eggs in our intestines, colon, and organs, stealing the body's nutrients and depleting the immune system.
  • Microscopic parasite eggs from pets, contaminated water, uncooked fish, or unwashed vegetables make their way into our bodies. 
  • Touching other people, handrails, or door knobs that are infected, is another major way that parasites enter the body.
  • Parasitic infestations kill off the beneficial bacteria in your gut, allowing harmful yeasts like Candida to grow.
  • Parasites produce toxins in the digestive tract that can interfere with digestion.
  • They also steal your nutrients preventing you from staying healthy.
  • And strain the immune system, causing feelings of tiredness and fatigue making the body more susceptible to sickness.
  • Research has identified anti-parasitic compounds that may eliminate the adult, larva and egg stages of different types of parasites.† to include black walnut, grapefruit extract, oregano oil, clove oil, wormwood, papaya, and probiotics.


Our 4-day Cleanse can help create an inhospitable environment for unwelcome intruders in your body. Allowing you to flush out toxins in the body to revitalize the system.

How does someone become infected with a parasite?

Believe it or not, a relatively high percentage of adults living in the United States may carry parasites. Where and how does somebody get infected with a parasite?

Parasites are generally acquired from consuming contaminated food or water, but people with imbalanced gut flora, leaky gut syndrome or a weakened immune system may be more susceptible. Some can also be spread through the bite of a mosquito or sand fly, or transmitted to humans from animals such as cows and pigs that are infected with parasites like Cryptosporidium or Trichinella.

One potential cause of parasites is eating pork, especially if it’s undercooked or raw. Pork can carry parasites and worms due to the poor conditions that pigs/hogs are typically raised in, so if this type of meat is regularly included in your diet, there’s a chance that you may be susceptible to carrying one.


Other types of undercooked meat and seafood can also transfer harmful parasites.



Our high-quality holistic herbs are formulated to be absorbed immediately to get into your blood system and work fast.



This 4-day system includes 3 tea bags and a GoGo Juice.


  • Day 1: Steep (1) tea bag in 64oz of hot water till boil.  Place 64oz of water into a safe jug along with adding the tea bag and consume ALL DAY.  DO NOT CONSUME any other liquid aside from water with this tea.  Also, it is encouraged that you stay away from meat and sea food and consume a Vegan/Vegetarian diet during these next few days.
  • Day 2: Throw away bag from yesterday and steep a new bag for today and repeat the exact same process as Day 1.
  • Day 3: REPEAT Day 2.  Ensuring that you are consuming all of the liquid during the day and eating as clean as possible.
  • Day 4: This is the day it all comes out so be prepared to be around the toilet.  Drink the entire GOGO juice with in 3 minutes and chase it with the attached ALKALINE WATER the water does not have to be consumed fast but it needs to follow directly after the GOGO as it is highly acidic and the ALKALINE WATER will help neutralize your body.  Wait about 1-6 hours and the release shall begin. 


Everyone is different however, there are some common side effects that have been noted.  So, if these occur you are not going crazy but it shall pass.  If the symptoms do not subside after day 4 seek medical attention to further explain what could be going on.

  1. Itching- often if you have a parasite this cleanse is going to make their living conditions intolerable which they will begin to move and die.  During this process that will trigger nerves in your body to tingle causing an itchy sensation. This often clears once they are all dead.
  2. Fatigue- We are temporarily taking your natural energy to cleanse and purge your body so allow proper rest during this time.
  3. Seeing parasites in the stool- Once they begin to die they have to go somewhere so out is the best way. If you notice a tape worm or something hanging out of your body do not pull it. Seek medical attention immediately.
  4. Cold/flu like symptoms- we are breaking down your immune system temporarily to get rid of all the toxins in your body. It is encouraged not to go around anyone sick over the next 4 days or even be around a lot of people.  As you will be more prone to get sick easier and faster during this time. (We do encourage purchasing our FUEL juices to go along with this cleanse to ensure your vitamins and minerals are restored quickly)
  5. Loss of appetite- remember parasites need food to survive so as we begin to kill them you may find yourself less hungry as your body won’t require the food to feed your intruder.

These are the most common concerns however, feel free to leave comments in the review section and they can be answered to help you along this journey.



Black Walnut Hulls Extract

Antioxidant and antibacterial compounds in their outer shells, or hulls, make them potentially useful for fighting parasitic and bacterial infections.†

 Sweet Wormwood (Artemisia annua) Extract

The compounds in sweet wormwood such as sesquiterpene lactone are powerfully anthelmintic (anti-parasitic), and may support gut health as well as other digestive problems.† This formula contains Artemisia annua not to be confused with other types of wormwood that can be toxic.

Oregano Oil is powerfully antibacterial, antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal, and antiparasitic. It may benefit gut health by killing gut parasites and protecting against leaky gut syndrome.

Papaya Seeds are efficacious in treating human intestinal parasites.  It can help fight infections. Studies show that papaya seeds can destroy certain types of fungi and parasites. ...May protect kidney function. ...Could have anticancer properties. ... May improve digestive health.


The GOGO Juice

Is our propriety blend of magnesium rich herbs along with blue berry, lemon, aloe, lemon,



  • Helps the kidneys and spleen cleanse and maintain healthy blood and lymphatic fluid*
  • Helps to cleanse waste away from organs and glands*
  • Assists in the colon’s ability to cleanse and maintain itself*
  • Contributes to the maintenance of digestive tract health and healthy bowel movements*
  • Assists in achieving increased energy and vitality*
  • Helps maintain healthy skin and complexion*
  • Aids in weight loss efforts with modified diet and exercise program*
  • Supports healthy immune system*
  • Aids your body to easily and naturally absorb nutrients*
  • Assists with improving the health of both male and female reproductive systems*



These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  Not Intended to DiagnoseTreatCure or Prevent Any Disease.  These ingredients may cause allergic reactions or side effects in which you agree to hold harmless the company Synergy Nuvu, LLC and any of its affiliates.  These products are based on common research found to be effective and Synergy Nuvu, LLC nor any of its affiliates claim its 100% guarantee of effectiveness.  Evaluate this product and consult with a medical provider before consuming.  Prior to purchase you may inquire further at  KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN



Not to be used during pregnancy.  Not to be used while nursing, Not for long term use, do not exceed recommended dose.  


For those who would like a step-by-step detail on how to go through these next 4 days, here is the plan. Keep in mind this is merely a suggestion. Do what you feel is best. I have found this plan to be highly effective. 


Overall Goal:

Drink 16 oz of tea every 2 hours from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM to achieve a total of 1/2 gallon of tea (64 oz).

Drink an additional 128 oz of water throughout the day.

Raw Food Diet Plan:


After 8pm: Only drink water only and maybe some pecans / raw nuts no salt if you have to have a snack.

After the cleanse we recommend that you follow a our HYBRID RAW JUICE cleanse and mix in the foods that you have already purchased during the plan until you finish everything.


Parasite Cleanse Protocol:


Day 1:

8:00 AM: Breakfast

Fresh fruit salad (e.g., mixed berries, sliced apples, and grapes)

16 oz of Parasite Tea

16 oz of water


11:00 AM: Mid-Morning Snack

Raw vegetable sticks (e.g., carrots, cucumber, bell peppers) with hummus

16 oz of Parasite Tea

16 oz of water


2:00 PM: Lunch

Raw kale salad with lemon-tahini dressing

16 oz of Parasite Tea

16 oz of water


5:00 PM: Afternoon Snack

Raw almond butter with sliced banana on rice cakes

16 oz of Parasite Tea

16 oz of water


8:00 PM: Dinner

Raw zucchini noodles with marinara sauce and diced vegetables

16 oz of water


Day 2

8:00 AM: Breakfast

Green smoothie bowl topped with sliced fruits (banana, berries, kiwi) and nuts/seeds (almonds, chia seeds)

16 oz of Parasite Tea

16 oz of water


11:00 AM: Mid-Morning Snack

Carrot and cucumber sticks with hummus

16 oz of Parasite Tea

16 oz of water


2:00 PM: Lunch

Raw zucchini noodles with marinara sauce, topped with cherry tomatoes and fresh basil

16 oz of Parasite Tea

16 oz of water


5:00 PM: Afternoon Snack

Sliced apple with raw almond butter

16 oz of Parasite Tea

16 oz of water


8:00 PM: Dinner

Large mixed green salad with avocado, bell peppers, cucumber, and a lemon-tahini dressing

16 oz of water

Day 3:

8:00 AM: Breakfast

Acai bowl topped with granola, sliced fruits (pineapple, mango, strawberries), and shredded coconut

16 oz of Parasite Tea

16 oz of water


11:00 AM: Mid-Morning Snack

Raw energy balls made with dates, nuts, and coconut

16 oz of Parasite Tea

16 oz of water


2:00 PM: Lunch

Raw carrots, bell peppers, cucumber and avocado, served with tamari dipping sauce

16 oz of Parasite Tea

16 oz of water


5:00 PM: Afternoon Snack

Sliced bell peppers and cherry tomatoes with guacamole

16 oz of Parasite Tea

16 oz of water


8:00 PM: Dinner

Raw vegetable pad Thai made with spiralized zucchini, carrots, and bell peppers, tossed in a spicy almond butter sauce

16 oz of water



Day 4

Today the purge will begin stay hydrated. Today meals eat light and you can start introducing light foods into the diet.


8:00 AM: Breakfast

Drink the GREENS pack only mix in a 16oz bottle of water. Also drink another 16oz water.


11:00 AM: Mid-Morning Snack

Fresh fruit & Quinoa salad

16 oz of water


2:00 PM: Lunch

Mixed green salad with cherry tomatoes, cucumber, and balsamic vinaigrette

16 oz of water


5:00 PM: Afternoon Snack

Fresh fruit smoothie (blend bananas, berries, and spinach)

16 oz of water


8:00 PM: Dinner

Grilled fish with steamed vegetables

16 oz of water




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